Author Archives: April

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Customer Centric Business and What it Means to Us.

Category:Trends Tags : 

Customer-centric is a way of doing business that provides a positive customer experience before and after the sale. It is important for businesses to organize around providing complete solutions. Specifically, solutions to needs not just wants of our customers. With the intention of acting proactively, businesses create a win-win situation.

Time to change focus

In today’s world of social media and instant reviews, your business cannot afford to sit idle in an antiquated business model. Customers have a louder voice than ever and several platforms from which to demonstrate their dissatisfaction. This isn’t just a concern for your customer service department, but should echo through out the company. Every employee deals with a customer in one way or another. The reviews and recommendations can make or break a company.

The focus of the business needs to be on the customer, not just products or services. The need to understand the customer’s point of view from the inside-out is important. With this approach, customers will be a part of the solution.

For example, Best Buy has been known for this change in focus saving its business several times. Nick Egelanian, president of retail development consultants SiteWorks International told RetailDive, “By intensely focusing on consumer expectations both in store and online, the company found its footing and today is the unquestioned leader in its category.”*

In other words, Best Buy knows its customers needs and proactively changes business models to meet them. Resulting in the longevity of the company.

Solve the issues

Customer satisfaction is only part of the equation, solving issues is key. For us, it isn’t just about software that serves a purpose. It is about helping our customers work efficiently. Solving the issues that slow them down.

For this reason, we have a strategic approach to problem-solving. We partner with our customers to co-create a business plan that fits their needs. As a result, we can ensure the long-term customer experience is optimized.

Customer centricity is the cornerstone of what we do. It comes down to good people, doing good business.

* From RetailDive Dec 2017 article – How Best Buy is winning against all odds

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Electronic Inspections: Paper vs Software

Category:Trends Tags : 

4 benefits of going digital

Completing electronic inspections streamlines the process saving you time and money. Here are four benefits of going digital.

1. Faster Inspections

The time it takes to complete an inspection depends on a few factors.

  • How long it takes an inspector to find previous inspections.
  • The time to find directions to the site.
  • How quickly an inspector can assess and write notes.

This can add up to several hours. With Codepal, the history of an address is accessible instantly. Along with a google map of the location. While on site, the inspector can click through checklists instantly.

2. Save time Reporting

Converting notes from a note pad into a readable report can be a daunting task. It can take hours to complete. Codepal automates the process, formatting the details from the inspection. Email or print reports. In addition to saving hours of time writing a report, minimize the time it takes to recall notations. Codepal reports are flexible to fit your business practices.

Quote from one of our customers

3. Accurate Data/Minimizing Errors

The accuracy of inspection data is important to your business. As well as minimizing errors in reporting codebook references. With paper inspections, codebook reference must be searched in a book. These can easily be misquoted. Instead, let Codepal checklists automatically reference the code. However if needed, Codepal stores your codebooks that are easily searched.

4. Enhanced Communication

Communications are often a sore subject within businesses. Lost post-it notes, no time to send the email etc. Whereas Codepal notifications are in real-time. Easily track workloads and inspection history. Find schedules easily and communicate more efficiently.

Physical paper trails are easy to lose. However, with digital tracking, all inspections are easily tracked and accessible anywhere. Therefore you eliminate the risk of lost reports.

Inspections host photos of details that tell the complete story. Simply capture a photo of the violated item. And add a description. Track details quickly with accuracy.

In short, saving time and money increases your profit line. Inspections are completed timely and efficiently. It is time to move into the digital world of electronic inspections, using a software that is designed for the way you do business.

Check out this related post: 3 Reasons to Switch to Electronic Plan Reviews

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New Mexico State Fire Marshal Success Story

Category:Success Story
The New Mexico State Fire Marshal’s office is building an accurate data record tracking database with historical value.

The New Mexico State Fire Marshal’s office knew their antiquated system for tracking and reporting on inspections needed an overhaul. There was no consistency in their reporting and it offered too much free reign to be adequate for the court cases.

They began their search for a software that would fit their needs and like many organizations, needed three competing bids. “Codepal came in to round out the three as a suggestion to fill the required number. We had another software in mind. However, once we saw Codepal’s abilities, we were sold. It is the software for us. It was important that whatever software company we went with, our data would not be held hostage.

quote from the State Fire Marshal

Codepal president, Bob Lee explained that our data is ours and is always available to us, regardless of the situation. It was that assurance that sold us on the product. We worked with the staff to design a setup that fit our needs. They gave recommendations for hardware and worked with us to assure we had everything we needed.

Confidence in ability to document for court proceedings

We now feel confident in our ability to hold up in a court
of law with a seamless system that offers consistency and accurate data reporting. It has taken some time, about 3 months to get adapted and build out all of our special requests. We have many older code books we reference and have access to the years we needed within the software as well as the newest editions that we are working on adopting.’

Their main goal was to get all staff on the same page and in the right format, obtaining a solid structure that’s secure. Codepal is flexible and adaptable to their needs, keeping the form consistent and uniform for all users. ‘Tracking is so much easier and provides a history that we can reflect back to for years to come. Record tracking is complete with pictures and gives a real view of property at the time. We’ve never had this ability.
We have the access on tablets in the field to build our reports while on site or we can still use paper and return to the office to complete the reports. We’re not forced into one format or the other.’

Codepal isn’t just a software company, we work side by side with our clients to assure they have a positive customer experience.
‘The ongoing support has exceeded our expectations, the staff is available and responsive. We didn’t just purchase a packaged software, we feel like we’ve partnered with a company that is helpful and has our best interests in mind.’

New Mexico State Fire Marshal website

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